Thursday, March 10, 2011

Project 4 Filter

For this Project i decided to have a little laid back approach. Instead of fast FPC Ambient drums and break beats I went with a simple clap and bass drum. I used the Hip Bass Drum #2 because I feel that it compliments the style of the arpeggios well. I used Real Drums clap as well and in the background i used a symphony HIT #5 for a more spacious feel. While searching through the files of the 3x Osc modulator i found a bunch of arpeggios and decided to try them out. some sounded like video games such as Arpeggios 3 and 5 (which together made a very good sound to a video game ending) but what really caught me was the simplicity and slow tempo feel of Arpeggio 8. I liked how it sounded so I put the Filter and X-Y controls on this one. It's not fast or chaotic and that's what I like about it. Just simplicity.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes simple is best. Great automation effects on this one. I like the way the timing works with the sweeps on the cutoff filter. You may want to enhance your drums with a little reverb. You can add this effect to the mixer channel just like you add a filter to the XY controller, then give your drums (or any other generator) a nice wash or reverb.
